Welcome to Bridge 2 Wellness!

We’re not like your typical gym, we’re here to help you bridge the gap to everyday health.

What does that look like?

No fad diets

No insane workouts that leave you unable to walk the stairs

No restriction in food

Look, I get it. I’ve been there. You’re doing everything you can to get to your goal. You’ve tried sample meal plans or piecing together workouts from influencers online, Youtube and Pinterest and you’re still exactly where you started - feeling uncomfortable and fed up with nothing working.

That’s where we come in.

With custom workout programs, individualized nutrition programing, encouragement and a little tough love - we’ll reshape your idea of what weight loss and muscle gain looks like. Like I said:

We’re here to help you bridge the gap to everyday health.

Let’s get to it.

Private Training Sessions

One on One fitness training with a workout program tailored to your goals. In these sessions you’ll receive exercise instruction and guidance in a positive and safe atmosphere. 30 minute and 60 minute slots available.

Duo Training Sessions

This is perfect if you want to train with a buddy - your mother, brother, bff, kids teacher - whoever is going to be your motivational support and sweat partner! In these sessions you’ll be led through a custom training program that is designed for both you and your partners goals.

Individualized Nutrition Programs

No two bodies are the same, no two metabolisms are the same, that’s why with Bridge 2 Wellness you’ll receive a 3 week in depth nutrition program based off your unique body systems and which areas need the most support with proper nutrition.

— Christina T

“If you asked me 2 years ago if I could see myself sticking to the whole personal training lifestyle, I’d think you were crazy, but then I met Bridget! Working with Bridget over the last two years not only in the gym, but also with my nutrition, has been an amazing experience that I couldn’t imagine living without! I faced some of the toughest times of my life, separating from my husband, starting a new career, and the one constant was always my time spent in the gym working on ME, with someone I now consider to be a good friend! I have lost almost 70lbs since January and I’m healthier than ever! I would recommend this journey with Bridge2Wellness to anyone who is ready to commit to themselves. One that I’ve learned over the years is…never forget that the number on the scale does not define your success.

Our Sessions

  • Offer a mix of resistance training and cardio to improve your overall health

  • Go by fast in your 30 or 60 minute block

  • Are fun and encouraging, leading to you falling in love with exercise

Hey, I’m Bridget!

If you would have told me when I was a little girl that I get to help and inspire people every single day to conquer their goals, I would have never believed you! But here I am with my very own business, guiding people to their results and lifelong health.

I am a fitness enthusiast with a love for food, give me a big juicy burger and i’m one happy gal! I have been a personal trainer for 5 years now and grow more and more with each client that I work with. I have achieved personal fitness goals, overcome challenges, worked through plateaus and setbacks and am always striving to learn more.

I founded Bridge2Wellness in 2019 with an aim to help individuals find what works for their body. Everybody has different needs, schedules, interests and daily tasks. All of these factor into what type of program will best fit into their goals - your goals! My mission is to help people get unstuck - in a healthy balanced way

Ready to make the Bridge2Wellness?

  • When I first started training with Bridget I was ready to make a change. I was also aware I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own. Bridget and I went to high school together and I noticed she had posted that she started her own PT business and was accepting new clients. I reached out and booked a consultation, which led to signing up with her for 3x a week. I was a little hesitant at first because I had suffered a lower back injury a year prior. Bridget reassured me that this would not be an issue and that we would work on strengthening my back to avoid pain. We did just that! I am now PAIN FREE. Everyday! I lost a total of 65lbs while working with Bridget. It was absolutely life changing. Daily tasks that were once challenging became a walk in the park. Fast forward 3.5 years, I have now given birth to my first child and I am still working with Bridget multiple times a week. She has helped me regain strength in my core and pelvic floor and has given me the knowledge and confidence to also step foot into a gym on my own terms. If you are ready to make a change, Bridget is your first step. She will support you 100% along your journey. Whether it’s in the studio, holding you accountable to workouts at home or helping you plan for success with nutrition. She has your back- always!

    Brittany Golden